Actor Neetu Kapoor and her daughter on Thursday, shared a picture where the duo can be seen twinning in black t-shirts and goggles. Sharing a snap on her Instagram Story, Riddhima wrote, “Same Same But Different”.
In the picture, the mother-daughter duo can be seen posing for a selfie, twining in black tops and black goggles. While Neetu also donned a denim jacket. Riddhima Kapoor has been quite an active Instagram user and always shares her day-to-day routine with netizens.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Neetu was recently seen in Dharma Production’s ‘JugJugg Jeeyo’ which marked her comeback on the big screen. The film also starred Anil Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and Kiara Advani in prominent roles and was declared a hit at the box office. ‘JugJugg Jeeyo’ is now streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Apart from that, she was also a part of the dance reality show ‘Dance Deewane Junior’. (ANI)
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